
Online Classes

Delivering therapy through online sessions and support, from our expert team

Online services and support have become a more accepted way of delivering therapy and support. Allowing people to access services, where appropriate, from the comfort of their own home.

We are continuingly looking at how we can better support our community which spreads wider than West Sussex in the best way possible. This gives us an opportunity to share our knowledge, skills and expertise more widely.

At LV Rehabilitation, our team are experienced in delivering therapy online on a 1:1 and group basis. We also run education and support sessions online.

Exercise Groups for Parkinson's

Each week on a Wednesday we run a group session for those with Parkinson’s which incorporates a variety of exercise principles.

PD Warrior exercises are incorporated but we also include strength and conditioning based approaches.

Wednesday 9:30-10:30am

A yoga and pilates fusion for total mind-body benefits, including better balance, improved flexibility, and a stronger body, along with release and relaxation to calm the nervous system.

Neuroflow is medium-intensity and for all fitness levels, with exercises modifiable to the individual, and participants are encouraged to work at their own pace. With a mix of mat based and standing exercises, focus is on breath control, precise movements, proper alignment and core muscle control.

Neuroflow has been developed as a fun, feel good way to get moving and feel stronger.

Friday 9:30am

We offer a one-hour exercise class each week on a Monday to support you during your PD Warrior 10 Week Challenge.

These classes allow you to work hard following the principles of PD Warrior each week and meet a wider community. Many stay on after their sessions for a chat which we encourage.

Monday 9:00-10:00am

This online 1:1 class focuses on the PD Warrior principles and supports you to have variety in these exercises. It also provides ways of integrating it into everyday life.

As a licensed provider we are able to provide 1:1 coaching and access to the PD Warrior 10 week challenge. This enables you to get the right support during the 10 week challenge from very experienced coaches from the comfort of your own home. To get the most out of this fantastic programme we believe that 1:1 support is needed. Also, we need to assess you (which we can do online) to ensure it is the right for programme for you.

1:1 – Book your session with the LV team

Online therapy is not appropriate for all, therefore, our team will discuss your needs prior to commencing any online input.